Thursday, September 3, 2015

6 Guidelines for Aromatherapy in a Doula Practice.

Aromatherapy is an option many doula clients are requesting. In fact, it is on the list of must haves for some families who are shopping for a doula. Although there is some controversy around this, my doula practice is both happy to meet this need and feels comfortable doing so.

My doula practice carries oils to all births and to better serve our doula clients we have a few guidelines, as well as a few hard and fast rules we follow for the use of Essential Oils during labor and early postpartum. 

  • We believe that due to their potentially strong smell and herbal properties use of essential oils in labor should be at the request of the person in labor.  For example we will not whip out a bottle of lavender, but will hand some over at your request.  This is because the person in labor is in a state of heightened sensitivity, and the person in labor is totally in charge of what is applied to their body in at all times. 
  • We want the use of oils in labor to be self directed. We are not only happy to offer, but encourage clients to ask for a sample set of the oils we use during labor. Clients who want to use aromatherapy need to prepare and be aware of what different oils smell like and more importantly how the oils are going to effect them. If lavender reminds a client of their grandmothers house and causes them to feel sad it may not be the best choice, on the same note an oil can be associated with a happy memories and a sense of safety.  
  • We will never recommend oils for a clinical condition during any stage of pregnancy or postpartum.  We are doulas not Midwifes, Doctors or Aromatherapist’s. We can’t recommend oils or any other substance to treat a clinical condition. 
  • We recommend oils be placed on a wash cloth or if placed on the skin done so in small amounts.  This way the oil can be easily removed if your preferences change during labor. Oils applied to the body are harder to remove so bare that in mind.  Also if essential oils are placed in the water of a birth tub and the laboring person changes their mind about the fragrance or wants to avoid getting the smell on the baby they would need to drain and refill the tub. 
  • We strongly recommend oils not be placed on baby or near mom’s breasts until nursing is well established. The breasts have glands that release a fluid that smells like the gestational parent’s amniotic fluid, helping baby find the breast. The smell of the infant is part of how a parent bonds with their new baby. So covering up these smells with oils, perfumes, or heavily scented soaps can negatively effect this new relationship. 
  • We recommend clients who wish to use oils during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum seek out additional resources through books, online sources, or a trained aromatherapist. This way you can make an informed decision on the use of oils and how you wish to use them. There are many book resources and schools of thought about the uses of EO’s.

As doulas our place is to offer support, encouragement, and a sounding board for pregnant, laboring, and postpartum families. We will not tell you what to do and we respect your choices even if we disagree with them. We respect clients that choose to use oils in whatever way the parents desire and we attend many births where oils are not used at all. As doulas, we are all about choices.

Grace Burnham Doula and Massage therapist at AZ Family Massag

To purchase oils, get discounts on oils and be added to a large Facebook group with more information about oils visit this site or contact us.