Steady, pressure and support on the hips allows the body to “close” more easily than if just left in its expanded state. The bengkung style of binding is known to help heal diastasis recti with the constant supportive pressure on the abdomen area. During pregnancy, musculoskeletal changes are stimulated by hormone secretions and the continuous expansion of the uterus. Some of these changes include:
1. Abdominal Wall Expansion and Separation
The growing fetus and the increasing weight of the baby puts pressure on the muscles and can stretch
the abdomen as much as 50%. The abdominal muscles on either side are joined by a narrow fibrous strip that thins as it stretches. Hormonal changes which happen during pregnancy also cause connective tissue to soften. When the muscles separate, their strength is reduced and this can lead to back pain. The condition is more likely to occur where the abdominal muscles were weak prior to pregnancy. It is vital that the abdominal wall returns to its normal location to protect internal organs and properly support the torso.
2. Spine and Posture Realignment
Posture is greatly affected as a baby grows larger in the womb. The pelvis tips forward to counterbalance the baby’s weight, which causes the pubic bones and tailbone to move backward, increasing the arch in the lower spine and creating a lordotic posture.
The upper spine simultaneously responds to this structural change by increasing its curvature, which rounds the shoulders forward, collapses the chest inward, and slides the head forward, creating a kyphotic posture. The combination of the kyphotic/lordotic posture results in the classic “S” shaped spine of a pregnant woman and is a direct result of a shifting center of gravity. This shifting of a woman’s center of gravity and spine can affect the nervous system and cause aching, weakness, and numbness in the body from poor circulation which can also cause swelling.
3. Pelvic Floor Relaxation
The pelvic floor provides balance, body stabilization, and vital organ support. The pelvic floor is the base of the core muscle system, attaching to the abdominal muscles and the sacroiliac joints. During pregnancy, hormones cause ligaments to stretch, which loosens the pelvic floor structure. This natural realignment allows the pelvic bones to open for the baby’s birth and makes a woman feel a bit wobbly on her feet. After birth the pelvic floor can remain loose and unstable for up to five months. Because the pelvic floor acts as the support system for the lower intestines, colon and bladder, these vital organs may be less supported for a few months immediately postpartum. This lack of organ support is the primary reason why women suffer incontinence when coughing, sneezing, or laughing after giving birth.
4.Back Support
Due to the design of the wrap, binding supports a woman’s back and so relieves the back pain associated with the immediate postpartum period. This also helps to reduce the strain involved in lifting and carrying a baby as well as provides back support when breastfeeding as most women don’t realize they are slouching and develop what's commonly referred to as "nursing back".
Sacred Cesarean Incision Support
One of the major benefits of a self-wrapping belly wrap is that it supports the muscles around the incision site, protecting the incision and therefore helps to reduce pain. The garment also props-up the stretched skin above the incision so it doesn't lie against the incision allowing the body to be able to heal better. This garment allows a woman to be more mobile and active while recovering during the first few weeks.
For the best results begin tummy binding as soon as you can after giving birth, ideally around day 5 but we have loosely bound a woman a few hours after delivery at her request, and then continue to wear it each day for at least 40 days and even longer if you are not satisfied with your healing. For the most benefits we recommend wearing your bind for 6-12 hours per day or even overnight.
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